A Change Agent is a volunteer who helps others be aware about, and be protected from Online Child Sexual Exploitation. There are many ways to be a Change Agent. You can join a campaign group, be a citizen researcher or a peer mentor.
The Sisterhood of Change Agents is the group of all of the Change Agents who have registered through this website. Together, individual Change Agents can have more impact, a stronger voice, encourage each other and support each other better.
Anyone aged between 15 and 22, who is prepared to be an active volunteer, to collaborate with other Change Agents, or join a group like a campaign group. Simply fill out the form and the Girls Leadership Council will register you.
By becoming a Change Agent, you get support, guidance, and encouragement. The Girls Leadership Council and the AusCam Freedom Project may have capacity building support for you, we can help you join campaign groups or other teams and you can be part of a social movement that has more impact than you would have on your own. We will help you be the hero who protects others form Online Child Sexual Exploitation.
Change Agents are usually 15 – 22 years old.
There are no educational requirements to be a Change Agent. You do not need to speak English to be a Change Agent. You just need to be able to speak Khmer.
This website will help you keep up to date – it has stories from Change Agents, it has a library of resources and it has a calendar so you can know what events are coming up. You can use this website to connect with each of the Facebook pages of the campaign groups.
If you become a Change Agent, you automatically join the Sisterhood of Change Agents. To become a Change Agent please click the button Become a Change Agent “Join us”, just below these FAQ, and fill out the simple application form.
AusCam has a Child and Youth Safegaurding policy, which guides us in many ways to be prepared and active to protect you, and manage risks. Your personal data is treated as confidential and will not be shared with others. If your story or photo is posted on this website, we will get your permission first. If you change your mind after giving permission, we will take your story and photo off from the website when ever you want.
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