Be a Change Agent

Join our Sisterhood of Change Agents. Together, let's work towards resilience and protection!

Cambodian girls are standing together to prevent OCSE and make Cambodia safer for children

Recruited Change Agents this Year
The Total of Change Agents Currently

GLC, AusCam and Change Agent relationships

This is a website for all of the Change Agents who are working to protect Cambodian children from exploitation, especially online child sexual exploitation (OCSE). It is lead by a select group of Change Agents who have been invited to become the Girls Leadership Council (the GLC). These GLC members take the lead in defining a vision, creating policies and enabling the whole Sisterhood of Change Agents to be coordinated and effective together. AusCam Freedom Project is a registered INGO that empowers, supports and equips the GLC and Change Agents.

Read Sem Suyeng Story

Suyeng has successfully graduated with a Sales and Marketing Degree from the National Institutes of Business. She is an advisor to a Change Agent campaign group.


Our History and Achievements

AusCam's Foundation

AusCam founded, starting with a Transition Life Centre 


Education Scholarship for girls

AusCam initiated Freedom Education Scholarship for girls


Girls Leadership Council formed

Girls Leadership Council formed, from active leaders from AusCams girls clubs


OCSE Focus

UNICEF disrupting harm report indicates 11% of Cambodian children (160,000 children) are impacted by Online Child Sexual Exploitation - this triggers AusCam to respond with an OCSE focus


GLC members lead OCSE awareness and advocacy events


GLC and Change Agents joins AusCam budget and planning sessions - they initiate and cocreate a GLC planning retreat and a computer training course that acts as a campaign incubator 


6 OCSE campaign groups are formed and active


Change Agent website

GLC guide and refine creation of a Change Agent website


GLC define a vision to send volunteers to every province in Cambodia, running large scale awareness raising events and over the course of 7 years, enabling 200 new campaign groups - they share their vision and are supported by a donor to start this vision


First GLC leader enrolls in the Global University of Lifelong Learning to be accredited in action and service learning as she leads and multiplies campaign groups


Upcoming Events

View our calendar to follow up for upcoming events