Certainly, we can use Microsoft Word or Google Docs to plan our campaign, outline objectives, and creating a table for any purpose.

1. Open Microsoft Word or Google Docs:

Start by opening Microsoft Word or Google Docs, depending on your preference.

2. Create a Document:

Create a new document or open an existing one where you want to plan your campaign.

3. Define Objectives:

Begin by listing the campaign objectives as bullet points. For example:

– Understand OSCE’s role in conflict prevention.

– Identify OSCE’s human rights monitoring initiatives.

– Explore OSCE’s involvement in Cambodia.

– Determine the impact of OSCE’s work in the region.

4. Insert a Table:

To create a table for task assignment, follow these steps:

– In Microsoft Word:

– Go to the “Insert” tab.

– Select “Table” and choose the number of rows and columns you need.

– In Google Docs:

– Go to the “Table” menu.

– Hover over “Insert table” and select the number of rows and columns.

5. Customize the Table:

Now that you have a table, you can customize it according to your needs:

Add Rows and Columns: Right-click on a cell and choose “Insert row above,” “Insert row below,” “Insert column left,” or “Insert column right” as needed.

Delete Rows and Columns: Right-click on a cell and choose “Delete row” or “Delete column.”

Wrap Text: Select the cell(s), right-click, and choose “Table properties” or “Cell properties.” Under the “Text wrapping” or “Cell options” tab, select “Wrap.”

Change Width: Click and drag the table’s column borders to adjust the width of columns.

Shade Cells: Select the cells you want to shade, right-click, and choose “Table properties” or “Cell properties.” Under the “Shading” tab, select a background color.

Merge Cells: Select the cells you want to merge, right-click, and choose “Merge cells.”

Distribute Rows/Columns: In Google Docs, you can right-click on a table cell and choose “Distribute rows” or “Distribute columns” to ensure they have equal spacing.

6. Assign Research Tasks:

In the table, create columns for “Task,” “Assigned To,” and “Deadline.” Then, fill in the details for each research task:

Task: Describe the specific research topic or question related to OSCE in Cambodia.

Assigned To: Assign each task to a team member responsible for conducting the research.

Deadline: Specify the deadline for completing each task.

7. Save and Share:

Save your document and share it with your team members for collaboration.

Sample Table
S.NoStudent NameAssigned TaskDeadlineRemarks


Creating a well-structured and formatted document with headings, text styles, paragraphs, bullet points, numbering, and other elements, as well as adding an index, footnotes, references, pictures, screen grabs, links, and proper saving and filing, requires attention to detail. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this in a typical word processing software like Microsoft Word:

1. Open Your Document Software: Launch your word processing software (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Docs, etc.) and create a new document or open an existing one.

2. Headings and Text Styles:

– Use headings to organize your document. Common heading levels include “Heading 1,” “Heading 2,” etc.

– Apply text styles (e.g., bold, italics, underline) consistently for emphasis.

3. Paragraphs and Formatting:

– Use paragraphs to break up content logically.

– Apply consistent formatting for text (e.g., font, size, color) throughout the document.

4. Bullet Points and Numbering:

– Use bullet points for lists without a specific order and numbering for ordered lists.

– Format bullet points and numbering as needed.

5. Creating an Index:

– To create an index, list important terms, concepts, and page numbers where they appear in the document.

– In most word processors, you can generate an index automatically by selecting the terms and using the “Insert Index” or “Table of Contents” feature.

6. Adding Footnotes and References:

– Insert footnotes or endnotes to provide citations, explanations, or additional information.

– Include a bibliography or reference section for citing sources used in your document.

7. Incorporating Pictures and Screen Grabs:

– Insert images, pictures, or screen grabs by selecting “Insert” and then “Picture” or “Screenshot.”

– Ensure images are appropriately sized and placed within the text.

8. Inserting Links:

– Add hyperlinks to external websites, documents, or email addresses to make your document interactive.

– Highlight the text, right-click, and choose “Insert Hyperlink.”

9. Save and File in a Folder:

– Click “File” and then “Save As” to save your document.

– Choose a location on your computer or cloud storage.

– Create a dedicated folder for your document and save it there.

– Use a descriptive file name for easy retrieval.

10. Regularly Save Your Work:

– While working on the document, periodically save your changes to avoid data loss.

11. Finalize and Review:

– Review your document for consistency, clarity, and accuracy.

– Check all links, footnotes, and references.

– Make any necessary edits or revisions.

12. Export or Share:

– Depending on your needs, you may export your document to different formats (e.g., PDF) or share it with others through your chosen platform.

By following these steps, you can create a well-structured, formatted, and organized document with various elements to convey your information effectively. Remember to save and file your document in a way that makes it easily accessible for future reference or sharing.


1. Online Child Sexual Exploitation in Cambodia:

– Online Child Sexual Exploitation is a global issue, and Cambodia is not immune to it. Like in many other countries, children in Cambodia face risks associated with OCSE.

– Cambodian authorities and organizations have been working to address this issue by implementing laws and policies to protect children online.

2. Impact of Online Child Sexual Exploitation:

– OCSE can have severe and long-lasting consequences on children, including physical, emotional, and psychological harm.

– Victims may suffer from trauma, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

– OCSE can disrupt a child’s education and development and may lead to a lifetime of trauma.

3. Different Forms of Online Child Sexual Exploitation:

– OCSE can take various forms, including child pornography, online grooming, sextortion, and live-streaming sexual abuse.

– Perpetrators may exploit children through social media, messaging apps, and other online platforms.

4. Vulnerabilities to Online Child Sexual Exploitation:

– Several factors can make youth vulnerable to OCSE, including:

– Lack of awareness about online risks and safety measures.

– Desire for social interaction and acceptance online.

– Technological illiteracy and lack of digital skills.

– Limited parental or guardian supervision and guidance.

5. Ways to Protect Against Online Child Sexual Exploitation:

  1. Educate children about the risks of sharing personal information and engaging in online conversations with strangers.
  2. Encourage open communication with children about their online activities and experiences.
  3. Install parental control software to monitor and restrict children’s online access.
  4. Report any suspicious online behavior or content related to OCSE to local authorities or relevant organizations.
  5. Promote digital literacy and responsible online behavior through schools and community programs.

To obtain the most up-to-date and region-specific information regarding OCSE in Cambodia, a research is recommend referring to credible sources such as local government reports, NGOs, and international organizations that focus on child protection and online safety. Additionally, staying informed about recent developments and initiatives in Cambodia regarding online child protection is crucial in understanding the current state of the issue in the country.


Make an attractive document using headings, text styles, paragraphs, bullet points, numbering and formatting. Creating an index, adding footnotes and references, incorporating pictures and screen grabs and links into your document. Save and file in a folder.  Email this document to others in your group as an attachment.